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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Period 5, group F, draft 3

Dear Mr.

i know you're busy with all your presidential duties man, but i have a bone to pick with you. Early this week it rained at my commune. I went into the fields the next day and all the beautiful flowers i had just planted were dead. Mr. president, man, you have to understand my agony. I spent three afternoons working on perfectingthe earth with fertilizers and tilling up the top soil, and then the rains came and ruined all my hard work. I wrote a haiku about it, to portray my raw emotions:

As toxic rain fell

the rich soil was left for dead

Nothing will be grown

Mr. President, can you still read the emotions in my words? It's the entire government's fault, man. I know it's a sick plan to brain wash your citizens. You and your "scientists" claim to be trying to help our mother earth- LIES, corporate American LIES! You sit in your fancy chair laughing at people like me planting our gardens in useless soil. I've read the articles, I've heard the rumors. the natural calcium and magnesium are missing in our soil, your acidic rains of sulfuric and nitric acids are ruining the top soil, and are causing our green world to deterioate, man. We all know that cars, farms, and factories are the highest producers of these terrible monsters that destroy anything in their path. So you say you've tried to help out- nobody believes you. there are hundreds of articles that show how other countries are dealing with their acid rain problems yet the " Great United States of America" didn't want to join everyone else in protecting our planet. You could have made laws that limit the amout of exhaust by farms and large factories. You could have added calcium and lime to the soil but that would have been "too expensive". Is it really to expensive? Can you put a price on our dear mother earth? No , I didn't think so. My fellow peace activists and i don't believe your scams. the government lies to us. our pooor universe is dying, and its all because the fixes were too "expensive". I am trying hard to comprehend the government tactics man. This just doesn't seem right to the nature of our dear mother earth. trees are dying, rivers and lakes are polluted with acidic solutions. I'm just trying to save our planet man, one flower at a time.



1 comment:

  1. Atta kid Noah. Really agreed with the way you went after the government in a way that still explained what’s happening to the earth with all the acid rain. Definitely made it seem like a hippie wrote it which is what we were going for. Didn't change much with the outline of the writing except a few spelling errors and grammatical errors. I did feel we needed to say what exactly is causing the acid rain which is the sulfur dioxide and the carbon dioxide so I added that in. Otherwise, good job.
