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Monday, April 25, 2011

Period 5, Group F, 2nd Draft

Dear Mr. Bigman,

I know you're busy with all your Presidential duties man, but I have a bone to pick with you. Early this week it rained at my commune. I went into the fields the next day and all the beautiful flowers I had just planted were dead. Mr. President, man, you have to understand my agony. I spent 3 afternoons working on perfecting the earth with fertilizers and tilling up the top soil, and then the rains came and ruined all my hard work. I wrote a haiku about it, to portray my raw emotions:

As toxic rain fell

The rich soil was left for dead

Nothing will be grown

Mr. President, can you still read the emotion in my words? It’s the entire government’s fault, man. I know it’s a sick plan to control the environment, to brain wash your citizens. You and your “scientists” claim to be trying to help our mother earth - lies, Corporate American lies! You sit in your fancy chair, laughing at people like me planting our gardens in useless soil. I’ve read the articles, I’ve heard the rumors. The natural calcium and magnesium are missing in our soil, your acidic rains full of Sulfuric acids and un-natural Nitric acids, are ruining the top soil, and are causing our green world to deteriorate, man.
So you say you’ve tried to help out - nobody believes you. Articles claim that adding calcium into the soil would be too difficult, that it would take a decade or more to replenish the buffer chemicals in the soil. My fellow peace activists and I don’t believe your scams. The government lies to us man. Our poor universe is dying dude, and all you, Mr. President, can say is “we’re working on a solution”. Show me facts, show us proof that sulfur emissions are being reduced, and that lime is too expensive to add into the soil.
I am trying hard to comprehend government tactics man. This, to me, just doesn’t seem right in the nature of our world. Trees are dying, rivers and lakes are polluted with acidic solutions. I’m just trying to save our planet man, one flower at a time.



1 comment:

  1. Good job on the correcting gabe i would have alot of those. I'm going to add in my draft about the things that cause the high nitric and sulfuric levels in the air. things like farms, cars, and factories.
