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Friday, April 22, 2011

Period 4: Pious, Liz, Michael, Jordan (2nd draft)

The stuff I added is in bold like that.

Lyrics I worked from:


As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain,

I see my crops have been burned, right after it started to rain.

But my Grandpa hadn’t seen that when he was growing up,

So he blamed it on my best friend and his brand new pup.

The next harvest we had was really bad,

So my Grandpa and the rest of us were really sad...yo’

So I did some looking on the Internet,

And I found something out that was hard to forget.

I’m a man of the past, I like fried chicken,

Got a laptop in my hand and a Chem. book for the win

But if I finish all my keystrokes, and you finish yer’s

We will get this issue solved before they throw us in a hearse

We’ve been spending most our lives,

Living in an acid rain strike.

The acids are warlike,

Living in an acid rain strike.

Our calcium compounds are being sacrificed,

Living in an acid rain strike.

The Magnesium goes bye-bye

Living in an acid rain strike

A politician made a big speech last week,

Calling all the people in the EPA freaks.

He told us all that acid rain was abstract,

And he wanted to overturn the Clean Air Act.

But I ain’t never punched a legislator when I felt like it

A youngn’ with a wrath, you know it could be true

I never yell “You suck!” but I’ve got my laptop

And my buddies agree, this acid rain needs to stop... yo’

If he succeeds in doing this we’ll be driven to tears,

As some aquatic life would die out in two or three years.

And I would look at all those men with enmity,

As our waters would be teeming with acidity.

We’ve been spending most our lives,

Living in an acid rain strike.

Our ecosystems are in a plight,

Living in an acid rain strike.

All our farmers are demoralized,

Living in an acid rain strike.

We will not stop or sacrifice

Living in this acid rain strike

Acid anhydrides, hydrogen ions,

Meeting up together, killing off our lawns.

Think you’re not affected? Think you know it all?

Well I know you will learn once our food chain falls.

I’m the righteous guy the little protestors wanna be

At my computer all day and night researching for the cause

So don’t be mad, don’t get upset

‘Cause our loss of Magnesium and Calcium is making us sweat

We’ve been spending most our lives,

Living in an acid rain strike.

We’re hit hard by non-metal oxides,

Living in an acid rain strike.

We have to stand together and fight,

Living in an acid rain strike.

Now, you’ve gotta think twice

Living in this acid rain strike


  1. Great job pious and liz! you have definately made it hard for me to find improvements. I did notice a verse was left out so it allowed me to have some creative input, and also made a few minor changes in other parts of the lyrics. Good work and I'll post what I improved on in a matter of minutes!:)

  2. Awesome!!! The acid rain facts are presented well and there is a flood of humor. Nicely done! I know this song and your group added a scientific flair to it's message. Great word usage. I see a lot of importance in making serious topics shed in a light that is pleasant to ordinary people. If they can easily understand what is causing a problem, they are more likely to want to help fix the problem. Your group made acid rain accessible to anyone. I will have to watch the music video and read the lyrics at the same time. Fantastic job!
