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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Period 4,Group B, Draft 3

Hey, I just thought you should know
that your rain is hurting me.
I'm the soil of this Earth
And from down here there are many things that i can see.
You have constructed power plants that spew out pollution.
You make me sick when you drive so excessively.
And your fertilizers and manure put Nitrogen dioxide into the air.
This is just a thought for you from me.

What are you imbeciles thinking?
I'm an old red spruce tree
And I don't appreciate what you've been doing.
Did you know that this acid rain of yours
is taking away the nutrients from the soil which allows me to be living?
Acid rain neutralizes calcium and magnesium which are essential to my growth.
So when there aren't enough of these buffers left due to neutralizing
The acid rain releases aluminum ions from minerals into the soil
And for plants like me this causes poisoning.
Acid rain also puts chemical into streams killing fish and creating dead zones.
Have you noticed the cement, marble, and limestone of architecture degrading?
I am so very annoyed by your species.

Why, why, why,why are you doing this to me?
If I weren't in the water you could see my tears
Flowing like a river to the sea.
The acid rain falls into my home
Killing my friends and family.
But the casualties range further
Than a simple brook trout like me.
It affects the whole food chain
From a plant, to a bird, to everything as far as the eye can see.
The continued assault of acid rain
Is unbalancing everything into catastrophe.
Can you please, please help me for I fear that I am next?
Please can you do this for a sad and scared brook trout like me?

I'm so angry by what everyone is doing.
The pollution we've made is making a mess of everything.
You fools! That's right I'm yelling!
My name is Lisa Jackson and I'm the administrator for the EPA.
It's my job to protect the environment from what you are doing.
Fine, if you don't care about the trees, soil, and animals.
But maybe you'll care if you or your children are dying.
Yes, that's right, acid rain affects us too.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Acid rain when inhaled into the lungs causes premature death through asthma and bronchitis.
Economically, acid rain is devastating.
The fisherman of lakes and rivers are devastated
By all of the fish that are dying.
You idiots need to wake up and smell the roses, that is before they're gone.

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