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Monday, May 2, 2011

Period 5 Group E Draft 4

Tracy's Final Draft... A little late due to technological issues.

There once was a planet named Earth,

quite beautiful, always, since birth.

Then came acid rain,

now it’s viewed with disdain;

These toxins have ruined its worth.

This phenomenon’s not very basic;

when anions, often sulfuric,

wash away calcium,

also magnesium,

buffer’s gone—soil’s acidic!

SO2 formed by the burning of coal,

and nitrogen oxides—they both play a role.

To form acid rain

which brought on such pain,

ecologically they take their toll.

Human lungs breathe in SO2,

and also absorb NO2.

Bronchitis appears,

and asthma, we fear,

is caused by the acid rain too.

Fixing means buffers are replaced;

but continuing at this pace,

we will never be done,

the solution will be none,

because the money is being erased.

Acids kill all biodiversity,

as it was proven in the university.

Animals lose sons and

fishes are poisoned,

by smog and exhaust from the city.

Lower PH than fish could take,

it left us with an empty lake.

Less crustaceans and fish,

fewer plants than we wish,

acid rain, oh our hearts you did break.

Humans put sulfur in the air;

Much more than ought to be there.

Moisture + SO3

yields acidity,

causing statues to need repair.

Acidified statues stand broken.

Their future will now go unspoken.

Is our world cursed?

Can this be reversed?

Oh what horrible monsters we’ve woken!

Tracy’s Comments:

All of you did a wonderful job of crafting the draft so I could add the finishing touches. I noticed a great creativity and originality to the limericks. The information was accurate with the readings we looked at during class. There was a fun sense of humor throughout the piece. The negative effects of acid rain were demonstrated effectively. The damage of the man-made statues and natural wildlife was represented in a clever way. Also, you guys covered the effects the pollution has on people’s ability to breathe clearly. The limericks had a defined beginning and end to the story telling. The main points I improved were some punctuation and time issues within the limericks. I changed some words to make the rhymes more smooth and made sure the right letters were capitalized. I believe we covered the information well and in a interesting way. Nice job everyone!


  1. Great job everyone! I really appreciate your determination in completing this project. I agree with Tracy: the limericks really took on a life of their own and became almost story-like. I think the ecological, biological, chemical, and economic effects of acid rain were expressed clearly, and the lyrical rhythms and rhymes were simply icing on the cake. The only issues I have were with the rhymes; however, when forced to work with such complex vocabulary I think we did the best we could. Once again, well done, gang! Limericks are awesome!

  2. This was great! I sensed a nice touch of morbid humour throught the post and quite liked it.
    One thing though, I think it would look better if you capitalized the first letter in each line.

  3. Wow! This is so creative! I cannot imagine what it must have taken to get everything to even remotely rhyme properly. The natural catchy rhythm of limericks does a great job of making those really morbid ideas hit home. My favorites are the third and third to last. All the more prestige to you for choosing such a difficult medium to express the effects of acid rain. Great job!

  4. I really like how much work you guys put into this! I think it covered all the damages that acid rain causes, and you covered each main point thoroughly. Great job!

  5. Hey yo' fellow friends of period five! This looks great! Looks like you hit everything spot on, and it looks awesome!

  6. Good Job. I thought that the poem was very entertaining to read, and it also clearly explained acid rain. "This phenomenon's not very basic." I like it.

  7. You guys did a great job of including all of the required information while somehow managing to make the poem rhyme. The last stanza of the poem is my favorite, as well as the pun in the second stanza. Very clever!

  8. I really like that you guys kept it simple and basic while at the same time driving at the main points. I felt anyone at any age could read this and understand the problems and know what we need to do. Way to go!

  9. Well done! It must have been difficult to incorporate all of the information about acid rain into a rhyming limerick, but you guys managed. This is a very creative way to express your knowledge about acid rain.

  10. Very creative! I really like how you incorporated almost everything there is on acid rain in a poem and even made it rhyme! Very impressive! Probably something that I could never do.

  11. As a poetically challenged individual, I can't imagine writing nine rhyming, rhythmic limericks that adequately demonstrate how harmful acid rain is. You guys somehow did it, though, so good job! All of the limericks are really creative, and some have a little bit of dark humor. Overall, great post.

  12. I agree with everyone! It is very creative and for someone who doesnt know about acid rain would really get a great explaintion from your poem. Your writing was also not boring to read it keeps you entertained through the whole thing.

  13. Very nice! Great creativity! You were able to incorporate all the chemistry of acid rain along with its consequences in a very well written poem. Tell me when this is published!

  14. Very well written. You guys did a great job of keeping everything clear and understandable. Your blog also did a great job of appealing to the reader and keeping them interested. very creative.

  15. This is soooo good. It's better than all the poems I had to read in english classes. You included the acid anhydrides, the ph level, soil erosion and how acid rain effects the environment. Very well done.

  16. this was a brilliant way of describing acid rain in a way that nearly everyone could understand no matter how educated

  17. This poem was brilliant in its fusion of poetic quality and scientific rationality. You kept to your rhyme schemes and explained acid rain in a nice, simple way at the same time.

  18. Great limericks! Always a big concern when writing poems about chemistry is keeping things interesting. While some of the explanations of the processes you wrote about might not be crystal clear, you all did a very nice job putting your actual information into such a strict rhyme scheme.

  19. Nice job, I liked how you guys brought poetry and chemistry into one. Very creative. There were only a few grammatical errors that I found but the fact that everything rhymed so well I overlooked them until re-read the poem. Great Job!

  20. I thought you guys did a good job of showing a lot of the different causes and effects of acid rain. You also helped keep it simple for people who don't know a lot behind the science and chemistry of acid rain. And of course, the poem was hilarious.

  21. This was very creative! From what I've read so far, this is the first I have read that incorporated facts on a biological standpoint. Despite this being only the second one I've read. Great job on the rhyming and describing all the different effects this has on the ecosystem! Great post.

  22. i liked that it was written in poem form! It made it very interesting to read and i could really understand it. I like that it makes me feel the need to help save our planet. Great job!

  23. This is fantastic! I love how everything rhymes so well, and you didn't have to distort the meaning to make it that way. It's also very easy to understand.

  24. A very well thought and creative piece! I liked the rhyme scheme, its descriptiveness, and the fact that it was chemistry put into poetry. Very good job!

  25. It thought it was amazing how you guys managed to get through all of the information necessary and still have a rythmic poem. If I knew nothing about acid rain and read this poem I would now know what it is and its effects and I think that is fantastic. I would have never thought of doing a poem.

  26. This is really good!It's a very good rhyme scheme. It was also very creative.

  27. Along with the laughs that this provided me, It also touched on many of the facts. Props to the 1st draft writer! This work must have included a lot of effort on the rhymer's part! I would expect to read this in a scientific poetry book in the future.

  28. Great job you guys!! I'm very impressed that you could find rhymes for all those words and terms. My favorite was the seventh stanza.

  29. This is awesome! i rhyming was great and extremely impressive that you guys could find words to rhyme like that. it was very clear and understandable.
    Great job!

  30. the best poem ever. literally great job i loved it, it rhymed so nicely really great job on this!
